Monday, March 24, 2014

Who is it that does the condemning?

Sunday was a day spent contemplating the story of the Samaritan woman at the well, and all that the story means for those who examine the mission of Christ.

I've read the passage numerous times and never before realized that this woman was the first person to whom Jesus chose to disclose his divinity in John's gospel.

This would have been shocking to the chosen people for many reasons. She was an outsider, and a presumed sinner, who belonged to a disobedient and despised people. She was quite probably a product and participant in mixed marriages, which were clearly prohibited in scripture.

And yet Jesus chose her to be the first evangelist in this region of worshipers who did it "wrong".

Every time I pick up the Bible another passage like this is presented. The truth is glaringly and consistently bright.

So how is that the chosen people of today, studiers of the scriptures, faithful Christians, are still falling into the same trap?

Listen up all ye people. Listen to who it is that does the condemning. Is it the Christ?


  1. Nice Blog, If you can submit a devotional on my site thatd be great

  2. Thanks for the invitation Mr. Grindpants, and apologies for the delayed response. I'll check out your devotional site. Looks like you do great design work.
