Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Christian witness as a Holy Hammer

I decided to cut and paste some snippets from a discussion I recently had on the Manhattan Declaration Facebook page, in response to the recent Supreme Court ruling about same sex marriage. I'm posting them here so that I can respond with a link the next time someone tells me they don't understand why Christians get a bad rap when it comes to the issue.

Here's why.

Enjoy some examples of the condescension, judgement, and arrogance people like me face when attempting to discuss the scriptures.

<START QUOTE>No listen I get it...you claim legitimacy for one person in the Bible while ascribing illegitimacy to the other people in the Bible. It's an obviously illogical tale that is as old as time. Not that deep intellectually. But to the childish and especially rebellious I can see how it holds a certain appeal. Regardless, yours is indeed a whole cloth cherry-picking of the Jesus traits you approve of and an adolescent dismissal of those you do not. Again, not really that deep. I'll forgo addressing the silliness of your last entry/vain attempt at changing the subject. However as to your second, I would point out the error in understanding that you, most other novices and manipulators of the Truth have regarding what can and cannot be 'judged'. The only thing I am prohibited from doing is pronouncing a final "condemnation" to hell against an individual who like me, still has access to God's grace and kindness. That obviously belongs to God and no Christian in their right mind would even desire that kind of responsibility. Nevertheless, all else belongs to man. I could of course post many supporting scriptures but I suspect you are aware of them (along with God's teaching regarding perverse sexual behavior) and simply ignore them as well when it is convenient for you to do so. wink emoticon
<START QUOTE>Oh bless your heart. You're eager to learn. That is good. Once you've gotten a real understanding of the reality of the scriptures referencing perverse sexual behavior and their absolute legitimacy, sure! We can then discuss anything you'd like. But as the case may be, this whole discussion is based on perverse sexual behavior. Therefore let us begin there and then we can move on to actual legitimate matters. However, just to clear up a fundamental flaw in your perspective, Suzanne, Jesus is the Word of God. All of it. That is explained in the first chapter of John. Attempting to highlight only gospel narratives about Him while dismissing the entirety of the rest of the book (that is Him) is error. Its just the result of your being a common novice and lacking real understanding. You still need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk right now, not solid food. And we will have plenty of time for that. wink emoticon
<START QUOTE>Interesting that you would perceive fear in order. And I apologize if you concluded my words were sarcastic. Forgive me, perhaps it is an instinctive and unrealized way that an expert speaks to an incorrect person. Let me assure you that I speak the Truth in agape love. I am glad you agree that Jesus is the entire Word of God. And that you and I as Christians are right to reference any part of the Word as Jesus Himself.<END QUOTE>
<START QUOTE>I see your attempt at translating Greek. That is cute. But the Greek word(s) are malakoi (soft individuals) followed immediately by Arsenokoitai (Sodomites). So if it is easier for you to fully comprehend, it is directly translated as effeminate homosexuals.<END QUOTE>
<START QUOTE>I did not reference this scripture. Nor the others you brought up. Therefore I shall not read nor address them here. I’m sorry you did so much work in typing them but try to stay focused on the task at hand. Let’s get your understanding of the scriptures that I actually referenced down first before we go on to risk you misunderstanding anymore, ok? For quick review, Romans declares that homosexual behavior is dishonorable, contrary, shameless and worthy of penalty. Titus explains the characteristics of individuals attempting to foster unrighteous doctrines and how those who follow Jesus are to respond. And Revelation makes clear that that no group of people in defilement or behaving abominably will be accepted. Again, all of these are being referenced in response to the subject of homosexual behavior. If you are prepared to acknowledge that homosexual behavior is in fact being addressed by these scriptures, we can then move on from these basics. smile emoticon<END QUOTE>
<START QUOTE>My response: Oh no, not more confusion on your part. Is English a primary language for you? Discussing things with you almost feels like when I call Verizon FiOs customer support and I get someone from the Philippines on the line. They never really seem to comprehend the problem at hand. That may well be the case with you too. Are you from Malaysia, or Pakistan or some other East Asian nation? Anyway, for my part I find prefabricated answers to questions not yet asked when the prefabricated answers were created to be of little to no use when having a real discussion. But you can feel free to quote the other things if you’d like. Just remember, try to keep it in the context of perverse homosexual behavior. Thanks! smile emoticon<END QUOTE>
<START QUOTE>Uh oh...now Suzanne, are we back to that mishigas? As I stated earlier I don't doubt you've slowly created an imaginary Jesus in your mind that you circumstantially adhere to when it suits you emotionally. But don't compound your errors in understanding by attempting to project them onto me. No hon, I am a true disciple. I believe, receive and humble myself to all of His word. I do not cherry-pick the parts that fit in with my vile & inordinate affections. smile emoticon<END QUOTE>
<START QUOTE>Oh Suzanne, in both pride & rebellion you insist on continuing in error, don't you (rhetorical)? That is unfortunate; however it is proper for you to say that you could never confuse me with 'your' idol.
Alas, it is now clear you're precisely the type of individual Titus spoke of. You're an inconsequential, unruly and empty deceiver, nothing more. Your mind and in many respects worse, conscience is defiled. You continue to insist that you have a relationship with God, but your behavior....perverse, abominable, homosexual behavior....provoked by vile and inordinate affections actually deny Him. As I stated at the beginning, your words and deeds are against Jesus Christ, the Lord, and they defy who He is. Your insolence towards God testifies against you; in haughty pride you parade your sin just like they did in Sodom; and you do not even attempt to hide it. That is how deceived you have become. Woe to and for you. You've willfully brought disaster upon yourself. But for those who honor, obey and love Jesus it will be well. We will enjoy the lasting fruit of our behavior....we understand that attempting to continue in sin while pretending Jesus will magically confer legitimacy on it is a doctrine of the devil. Therefore with heavy hearts we accept that you will (if you do not turn away from your sin) reap the eternal penalty prescribed for yours.
My heart wants to assist you in reverse engineering your error to its more than likely emotional genesis but it is quite clear that you’re not in a position to be cooperative and completely transparent. So, I will defer. However, I take comfort in knowing that through highlighting your fairly basic errors, I have enabled you and others to begin to break free from the demonically provoked cognitive distortion that you're currently in bondage to. The Bible does say that His (unmolested) word does not return void but it accomplishes the things it is supposed to in the place where it was sent...hopefully I have not cast pearls before swine. wink emoticon
Other than the quintessential 2nd Timothy prayer asking God to grant you repentance to acknowledge the reality, I seek no further excuse to provoke you to repentance. I would however bid you good day…
…but the Bible actually tells me not to. So just dang. wink emoticon<END QUOTE>
So, all you Christians who claim not to understand, now maybe you've got an idea. And maybe part of your mission here on earth is to ask other Christians not to act like condescending jerks in God's name.

1 comment:

  1. The Bible was never intended to be a hammer. It is intended to be a mirror. We look into it and see our real selves. And we also see the amazing woman Jesus always intended us to be.
